Ten years for Mission In 2013 two of our mission prayer groups celebrated tenth anniversary of their establishment.
Varga Tamásné Erszébet, the leader of the other Mission prayer group shared that during the ten years’ time their group has continuously supported the SVD mission not only by praying for them regularly but also by collecting donations to support the summer camps and other projects. They have also initiated different programs for their groups like pilgrimage to different holy places in Hungary.
Magung, Fransiskus Xaverius
VAROM group Members of VAROM as a lay associate are celebrating the story of love for almost 20 years now. More than 80 TIR containers were sent to mission support in Romania. These group have realized a lot of mission projects in Romania such as “ALT DRUM…prevention of abuse of alcohol; “LOGOS”, help for children who had problem with language; “AIUTIAMOLI EDUCANDOLI” for children without family; “RAGAZZE MADRI” in support of young mothers…and many others projects. Members are motivated to see the fruits….This group is officially recognized by ITA province.
Bumanglag, Elmer (Paulino)