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COVID-19: Food is distributed to the homeless in San Pablo
The Social distancing should not drive us to forget our neighbour
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“In the missions, music sounds in all places.” Nowrot Piotr, Divine Word Missionary
Interculturality: Looking Below the Surface
A missionary in the garbage dump
Renewing Missionary Commitment with the Pact of the Catacombs
God’s Surprise Through Forgiveness: A true story of Interreligious dialogue
Reaching out to Street Children in the Democratic Republic Of Congo
Water a Source of Happiness
Encounter and dialogue between cultures
Letter from Eastern Angola!
Latest Mission News
Bernie Spitzley touches lives of many in Jamaica
Missionary light shines in the Tiwi Islands
SVD-INE Celebrates Platinum
Servant Of God Marian Zelazek ‘S Fond Memory
“You give them something to eat” (Cf. Mt 14, 16).
Senior confreres - living mission in retirement
The mission of Joseph Freinademetz
“Mission of God” in practice
Revolving fund for self-reliance
Justicia & Paz
Latest Justice & Peace News
Laudato Si: Catholic Church Teams up with Donkorkrom Fire Service to Train Fire Volunteers
Thousands affected by flooding in Agusan del Sur in Mindanao, Philippines
Pastoral care for the refugees in Uganda
How an SVD Brother dedicates his life to ‘the least, the last, and the lost’
Another humanitarian aid from the Divine Word Missionaries reaches Ukraine
SVD Eco Spirituality farm in the Philippines
El agua es un bien común esencial
22 March: World Water Day
Launching of the Laudato Si Action Platform
Latest Bible News
The Ecclesial Bible: An African edition of the Bible Official Liturgical Translation (BTOL)
Year of the Bible at Saint Augustine’s and Saint Bartholomew’s Parishes
Concluding the year of the Word of God in Nitra
Ending the year of God in Fianarantsoa, Madagascar
The DOCAT: The Social Doctrine made Real
Bible day in the Divine Word Center (DWC) in Chennai, India
Biblical Seminar on “how to read the Bible”
Launching of the new biblical project:
Biblical Reflections for the Year of Mercy - 12. Mercy on the Cross: An Eternal Reward (Lk 23:39-43)
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Latest Best Practices News
Marriage preparation course in India - Guwahati
Fr. Budi Kleden message on the occasion of the 145 SVD Anniversary
Young people, the faith and vocational discernment
South Sudan: The drama of a forgotten humanitarian crisis
Pastoral care of migrants in Spain: integration and accompaniment
20 years of the University pastoral center of St. Joseph Freinademetz
Two SVD Youth Rallies
Ride for a purpose: Father José Eudes shares his experiences of bike race in Kenia
Syria: Flee or Die
De Interés
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SVD lay partners worldwide
Floods in Rio Grande do Sul: Schools become shelters for hundreds of people.
Know the latest news about the SVD laypartners around the world
SVD Lay Partners Newsletter - from Around the World
“Didi”, thank you!
St. Gabriel Pentecost Festival: Connected by God's Spirit
SVD brothers in the Philippines meet for their assembly.
SVD Education Ministry BRN: Spirituality and Leadership
Easter greetings and news from SVD Lay Partners worldwide
Reflexión Diaria
Reflexión del Domingo
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Divine Word Lay Missionaries in Mexico share their mission experiences during Easter
Los Misioneros Auxiliares del Verbo en México comparten sus experiencias misioneras de Pascua 2018
"Keep breathing": life story of Susan Noronha
"Sigue respirando": Historia de vida de Susan Noronha
A Day-to-Day Journey toward God
Aprender haciendo
Asamblea de los laicos SVD en la República Democrática del Congo
Assembly of the SVDs lay partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Buenas noticias de los Laicos Misioneros del Verbo Divino
Christmas best wishes from The SVD lay associates
Concebimos y Proclamamos lo Imposible
Divine Word Missionaries hold a workshop on mission animation in India
Divine Word Missionaries lay partners around the world
Divine Word Missionaries lay patners
Easter reminds me to renew my hope and faith: News from the Lay Partners
El compromiso de los laicos en la misión de la Iglesia
El Encuentro Nacional de los Misioneros Auxiliares del Verbo Divino en Tepoztlán (México)
En el Espíritu del Verbo
Encuentro de los misioneros laicos en Río Azul Paraná
Feast of Arnold Janssen: Message from the leadership team
Fiesta de Arnoldo Janssen: Mensaje del equipo de liderazgo
First Delegates Conference of the Friends of SVD in Ghana
Good news form the Divine Word Missionaries Lay Partners
Importance of Lay Partners in the Life and Mission of the Society
In the Spirit of the Word
Join he Prayer Bridge on World Day of the Poor: Do not miss this opportunity
La "Misión de Dios" en la práctica
La importancia de los colaboradores laicos en la Vida Y Misión de la Congregación
La Pascua me invita a renovar mi esperanza y mi fe: Noticias de los Laicos Misioneros del Verbo Divino
Laicos como verdaderos ‘corresponsables’ en la Misión
Laicos del Verbo Divino
Laicos Misioneros del Verbo Divino
Laicos SVD en la misión
Lay commitment in the Mission of the Church
Lay people are a gift to our missions
Lay people as true 'stewards' in the Mission
Learning by Doing
Let’s Conceive and Proclaim the Impossible
Los evangelizados evangelizarán: el papel de los laicos misioneros hoy
Los laicos misioneros del Verbo Divino comparten sus experiencias
Los laicos Misioneros del Verbo Divino de todo el mundo
Los laicos misioneros del Verbo Divino en Kenia celebran la convención anual
Los laicos son un regalo para nuestras misiones
Los mejores deseos navideños de los asociados laicos de la SVD
Los Misioneros del Verbo Divino organizan un taller de animación misionera en India-Este
María Magdalena, la apuesta de Jesús por las mujeres
Mary Magdalene: Jesus' commitment to women
Meeting of the Divine Word Missionaries Lay partners in Río Azul Paraná-Brasil
Mi corazón es misionero: Elisabeth comparte su experiencia como Misionera laica del Verbo Divino
Ministerio de Educación SVD BRN: Espiritualidad y Liderazgo
Misioneros laicos del Verbo Divino
Misioneros laicos del Verbo Divino (2)
News from our lay partners
News from SVD lay partners
News from SVD lay partners worldwide
News from the SVD lay partners
Noticias de los laicos del Verbo Divino en el mundo
Noticias de los socios laicos del Verbo Divino
Noticias de nuestros socios laicos
Noticias de socios laicos SVD en el mundo
Primera Conferencia de Delegados de los Amigos de la SVD en Ghana
Proyecto de reforestación en Quingeo
Putting the last the first
Reaching out ...Putting the last the first
Reforestation Project in Quingeo
Saludos de Pascua y Noticias de socios laicos SVD en el mundo
Seminario de animación para socios laicos de la SVD en la región de India Guwahati (ING)
Socios Laicos de SVD - Boletín de todo el mundo
Socios Laicos de SVD con las Dimensiones Características en sus manos
Solidaridad, responsabilidad compartida: Noticias de los socios laicos SVD
Solidarity, Shared Responsibility: news from SVD lay partners
Somos el futuro y la esperanza de la Iglesia
Somos misioneros laicos
SVD lay partners
SVD Lay Partners Animation Seminar in India Guwahati Region (ING)
SVD Lay partners in the Mission
SVD Lay Partners share their life experiences
SVD lay partners with the Characteristics Dimensions in their hands
Tenemos buenas noticias para ti.
The Divine word missionaries friends in Kenya celebrate their annual convention
The evangelized will evangelize: the role of lay missionaries today
The National assembly of the Divine Word Missionaries Lay Partners in Tepoztlán (Mexico)
Un viaje diario hacia Dios
Únete al puente de oración en la jornada mundial de los pobres: no pierdes la oportunidad
Vietnam: Convención de laicos en Nha Trang
Vietnam: Lay People’s Convention in Nha Trang
We are lay missionaries
We are the future and hope of the Church
We have good news for you: message from the SVD lay partners
Yo estoy aquí - Here I am
“Didi”, thank you!
“Mission of God” in practice
¡"Didi" Gracias!