The bible day was celebrated in the Divine Word Centre in Chennai on 9th December 2017. The participants spent the entire day with the living Word of God by means of various games, quiz, skit, etc. Each and every program was based on the bible organized in such a way that the participants were all inspired to read, to study and to be more familiar with the Word of God.
The day began at 6:15 a.m. with the Bible procession, lighting of the lamp and the prayer service organized by the third years students of theology. Fr. Rector, lit the first lamp, followed by Fr. Valan, INH Biblical Coordinator, head senior, class seniors and representative of CAC committee. Fr. Valan INH Biblical coordinator gave an introductory remark wherein he spoke about the background and importance of the bible day.
After the breakfast, a written Bible quiz was conducted by Fr. Valan SVD based on the Gospel of St. Matthew. It motivated the students to read and to study the Gospel of St. Matthew. The CAC committee along with Fr.Valan SVD organized many interesting games based on the Bible such as Group Tableau, Jumbled Words, Jigsaw puzzle, etc. All the items were conducted group wise. It was followed by group Bible oral quiz which boosted the competitive spirit of the day. After the noon visit (conducted by the second years’) and lunch few other games such as Biblical cup arrangements, Biblical group drawing, etc. Each and every game was interesting, creative and of course based on the Bible. The last competition of the day was Bible Skit with the theme “Re-living the Bible”.
God is the Alfa and the Omega. Everything begins and ends with him. Therefore, just as we began the day with prayer and we conclude the bible day with the Bible procession followed by the Holy Eucharist. The liturgy was animated by the first years’. The results were announced and the prizes were distributed by Biblical Coordinator Fr.Valan SVD after the holy Eucharist.
Fr.S.Valan, SVD
INH Biblical Coordinator