From the 20th 22nd of March 2015, it was organized in the Mission House and Seminary of the Divine Word Missionaries in Pieniezno the annual meeting for the Friends of Mission.
They came from to various places to pray with us and to obtain bigger mission zeal. Short mission films, meetings with missionaries, workshop and lectures where the ways to achieve this. One of the themes was Significance of Ad Gentes. Those people are leaders or representatives of groups we cooperate with which are spread all over the country. Once a year we meet with them in eight different places (usually in big cities). 70 to 300 people come for such a half a day gathering in a chosen parish hall. It is a good opportunity to make them aware of our present work and the challenges we have to face with as missionaries. Throughout this Year of Consecrated Life we try to underline that we are religious people. The presence of SSpS sisters (Missionaries of the Holy Spirit) in the meetings makes our testimony more convincing. We have been organizing those district meetings already for about 30 years.