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COVID-19: Food is distributed to the homeless in San Pablo
The Social distancing should not drive us to forget our neighbour
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“In the missions, music sounds in all places.” Nowrot Piotr, Divine Word Missionary
Interculturality: Looking Below the Surface
A missionary in the garbage dump
Renewing Missionary Commitment with the Pact of the Catacombs
God’s Surprise Through Forgiveness: A true story of Interreligious dialogue
Reaching out to Street Children in the Democratic Republic Of Congo
Water a Source of Happiness
Encounter and dialogue between cultures
Letter from Eastern Angola!
Latest Mission News
Bernie Spitzley touches lives of many in Jamaica
Missionary light shines in the Tiwi Islands
SVD-INE Celebrates Platinum
Servant Of God Marian Zelazek ‘S Fond Memory
“You give them something to eat” (Cf. Mt 14, 16).
Senior confreres - living mission in retirement
The mission of Joseph Freinademetz
“Mission of God” in practice
Revolving fund for self-reliance
Justice & Peace
Latest Justice & Peace News
Laudato Si: Catholic Church Teams up with Donkorkrom Fire Service to Train Fire Volunteers
Thousands affected by flooding in Agusan del Sur in Mindanao, Philippines
Pastoral care for the refugees in Uganda
How an SVD Brother dedicates his life to ‘the least, the last, and the lost’
Another humanitarian aid from the Divine Word Missionaries reaches Ukraine
SVD Eco Spirituality farm in the Philippines
El agua es un bien común esencial
22 March: World Water Day
Launching of the Laudato Si Action Platform
Latest Bible News
The Ecclesial Bible: An African edition of the Bible Official Liturgical Translation (BTOL)
Year of the Bible at Saint Augustine’s and Saint Bartholomew’s Parishes
Concluding the year of the Word of God in Nitra
Ending the year of God in Fianarantsoa, Madagascar
The DOCAT: The Social Doctrine made Real
Bible day in the Divine Word Center (DWC) in Chennai, India
Biblical Seminar on “how to read the Bible”
Launching of the new biblical project:
Biblical Reflections for the Year of Mercy - 12. Mercy on the Cross: An Eternal Reward (Lk 23:39-43)
Best Practices
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Latest Best Practices News
Marriage preparation course in India - Guwahati
Fr. Budi Kleden message on the occasion of the 145 SVD Anniversary
Young people, the faith and vocational discernment
South Sudan: The drama of a forgotten humanitarian crisis
Pastoral care of migrants in Spain: integration and accompaniment
20 years of the University pastoral center of St. Joseph Freinademetz
Two SVD Youth Rallies
Ride for a purpose: Father José Eudes shares his experiences of bike race in Kenia
Syria: Flee or Die
Of interest
News of interest Categories
Latest News of interest
SVD lay partners worldwide
Floods in Rio Grande do Sul: Schools become shelters for hundreds of people.
Know the latest news about the SVD laypartners around the world
SVD Lay Partners Newsletter - from Around the World
“Didi”, thank you!
St. Gabriel Pentecost Festival: Connected by God's Spirit
SVD brothers in the Philippines meet for their assembly.
SVD Education Ministry BRN: Spirituality and Leadership
Easter greetings and news from SVD Lay Partners worldwide
Daily Refections
Sunday Reflections
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146th foundation anniversary of the SVD: Message from Fr. Superior general Budi Kleden
146º aniversario de la SVD: Mensaje del Sup. General P. Budi Kleden
130th Anniversary of the arrival of the first SVD missionaries in Togo
25 años de evangelización en Mozambique
25 years of evangelization in Mozambique
A call to mission: Extraordinary mission week 2019
A Day-to-Day Journey toward God
A missionary in the garbage dump
A tribute to our Founder St. Arnold Janssen
Asamblea provincial SVD Brazil
Ayuda humanitaria para los supervivientes del terremoto y tsunami en Palu – Donggala, Indonesia
BALMELA 2018: A celebration day for street children and children living with and affected by HIV/AIDS in Pune
BALMELA 2018: Día de celebración para niños de la calle y niños que viven con el VIH / SIDA
Bible day in the Divine Word Center (DWC) in Chennai, India
Brother Bernd's help to stem the spread of AIDS in Thailand
Buenas noticias de los Laicos Misioneros del Verbo Divino
Celebración del Día Tribal Mundial: Organizando a los migrantes, el sector desorganizado
Come and see
Cuatro Obispos de la SVD participan en el sínodo sobre los jóvenes en Roma
Día de la biblia en el Centro del Verbo Divino en Chennai, India
Día de la infancia misionera
Divine Word Missionaries lay partners around the world
Domingo de migrantes y refugiados
Easter greetings and news from SVD Lay Partners worldwide
El 130º aniversario de la llegada de los primeros misioneros Verbitas a Togo
El compromiso de los laicos en la misión de la Iglesia
El discípulo transformado de Cristo
El Jubileo de Oro de Radio Veritas Asia se celebró en Satprakashan Sanchar Kendra, Indore MP
El mensaje del Padre Budi Kleden por el 145 aniversario de la SVD
El mensaje del Padre General con motivo del 144º aniversario de la fundación de la Sociedad del Verbo Divino
El recuerdo entrañable del Siervo de Dios Marian Zelazek
El tsunami pasó, Ujung Kulon se levanta
En el Espíritu del Verbo
Enraizados en la Palabra
Enraizados en la palabra y comprometidos en su misión desde España
Enraizados na palavra
Feast of Arnold Janssen: Message from the leadership team
Festival de Pentecostés de San Gabriel: Conectados por el Espíritu de Dios
Fiesta de Arnoldo Janssen: Mensaje del equipo de liderazgo
First Delegates Conference of the Friends of SVD in Ghana
Four SVD Bishops participate in the Synod on Young people in Rome
Fr. Budi Kleden Easter 2023 message
Fr. Budi Kleden message on the occasion of the 145 SVD Anniversary
Good news form the Divine Word Missionaries Lay Partners
Greater love has no one than this…
How an SVD Brother dedicates his life to ‘the least, the last, and the lost’
Humanitarian aid for the survivors of the earthquake and tsunami, In Palu–Donggala, Indonesia
In the Spirit of the Word
IX Encuentro de Formadores SVD de la Zona PANAM en Quito
IX PANAM Zone SVD Formators Meeting in Quito
Jairo Godinho Guimaraes: Religioso y abogado al servicio de los desfavorecidos de Amazonas en Brazil.
Jairo Godinho Guimaraes: Religious and lawyer at the service of the marginalized majority of Amazon in Brazil
La espiritualidad para la vida cotidiana: impulsados por el amor de Cristo (2 Corinthios 5:14)
La misión SVD en Brazil
La SVD en Vietnam celebra a San José
Lay commitment in the Mission of the Church
Los laicos Misioneros del Verbo Divino de todo el mundo
LSSAJ organiza una formación de facilitadores para transformación espiritual de drogadictos en las Filipinas
LSSAJ organizes a seminar on training facilitators for spiritual transformation of drug dependents in the Philippines
Mi corazón es misionero: Elisabeth comparte su experiencia como Misionera laica del Verbo Divino
Migrant and Refugee Sunday
Misión de Sendi en Angola
Missionary childhood day
Nadie tiene mayor amor que este…
News from the SVDs in India/Noticias de SVD in India
Noticias de la SVD en el mundo
Noticias de los Misioneros del Verbo Divino (SVD) en el mundo - Febrero 2022
Nuestro modelo de liderazgo está enraizado en el amor de Dios
Nueva Presencia de los Misioneros del Verbo Divino en la diócesis Westminster en Londres
Opción por los pobres y vulnerables: Misioneros del Verbo Divino en Congo
Option for the poor and vulnerable: Divine Word Missionaries in Congo
Primera Conferencia de Delegados de los Amigos de la SVD en Ghana
Putting the last the first
Reaching out ...Putting the last the first
Saludos de Pascua y Noticias de socios laicos SVD en el mundo
Seminario de animación para socios laicos de la SVD en la región de India Guwahati (ING)
Sendi Mission in Angola
Servant Of God Marian Zelazek ‘S Fond Memory
Socios Laicos de SVD - Boletín de todo el mundo
Somos el futuro y la esperanza de la Iglesia
St. Gabriel Pentecost Festival: Connected by God's Spirit
SVD in Vietnam celebrate Saint Joseph
SVD India Mission Magazine - Revista Misionera de la SVD en India
SVD Lay Partners Animation Seminar in India Guwahati Region (ING)
SVD Mission in Brazil
SVD Vocation Promotion/ SVD Promoción vocacional
SVD-INE Celebrates Platinum
Tenemos buenas noticias para ti.
Thanks Pope Benedict XVI - Gracias Papa Benedicto XVI
The Divine Word Missionaries (SVD) News Worldwide - February 2022
The Divine Word Missionaries presence in the Diocese of Westminster in London
The Golden Jubilee of Radio Veritas Asia was celebrated at Satprakashan Sanchar Kendra, Indore MP
The love of Christ impels our leadership in the Church
The message of Father General on the occasion of the 144th foundation anniversary of the Society of the Divine Word
The message of Father General on the occasion of the 144th foundation anniversary of the Society of the Divine Word
The Spirituality for Everyday Life: Impelled by Christ’s love (2Cor 5:14)
The Tsunami Passed, Ujung Kulon Rises
Transformed disciple of Christ
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