Photo: A Left: A sign outside the chapel on the campus of the Catholic Health Training Institute in Wau, South Sudan. Right: The chapel on the campus of the Catholic Health Training Institute in Wau, South Sudan (GSR photo / Chris Herlinger)

Indian Sr. Leema Rose is a member of the Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Holy Spirit and heads the Catholic Health Training Institute in Wau, South Sudan, where she oversees a nursing training program for certified nurses and midwives.

Sr. Kavita with mother and new born. Every year, around 700 pregnant women come to our clinic for a check-up. Most of them deliver their baby in their homes and the difficult cases come to the clinic. These difficult deliveries are always a nightmare for us in Weragu, Ethiopia. The joyful event of giving birth can suddenly turn into an unforeseen crisis.

I have been working as a chaplaincy in the women ?s prison in Berlin for more than a year. In the beginning it was a very strange world with big walls, loud noise of opening and closing big doors. I was afraid to enter the prison cells.

Sr. Magdalena, Christine Barbara Eichinger, SSpS is a member of Religious in Europe Networking against Trafficking and Exploitation (RENATE). The members are working alongside many other organizations around the world to eradicate modern-day slavery. A few months ago, thirty RENATE members gathered at the Soeterbeeck Conference Centre for a seminar.

By: UCAN Thomas Ora, Dili – Timor (SSpS sisters)

The National Commission of HIV/ AIDS, in Timor-Leste began to emerge even before independence, starting with only a few cases. The number, however, has increased every year. As the commission reported last year, in the past 13 years more than 600 cases were discovered, of which 29% were young people aged 15-24, 59% were people aged 25-44 and 9 % were people aged 45 years and older. The remaining percentages are children aged 14 years and younger. However, these numbers are limited to data from hospitals and clinics. The HIV in Timor-Leste is like the tip of an iceberg, which will be a huge problem later if it’s not handled properly.

Sr. Veronika from Slovakia was a Missionary Sister of the Holy Spirit (SSpS). She has been working in South Sudan over the past six years. She was a medical doctor. She has been in charge of St. Bakhita Health Center in South Sudan, where she saved many women and babies lives.

Bad Driburg / Generalate of the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters from Steyl

In an official letter dated February 25, 2015, the Holy See has given the go signal for the beatification process for the Co-foundress and first Superior General of the Steyl Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters, Adolfine Tönnies (Mother Mary Michael).

Didi means sister in Hindi, India's national language. Yuvraj is a smiling little kid who lives on one of Mumbai's main streets at the traffic signal. His hand and neck were severely burnt with Diwali crackers.

In Luke's Gospel, Jesus invites some of his disciples to go to the mountain with Him and pray. This experience is a proposal of closeness to the Father, which enriches the interior life and renews strength for the mission. For the disciples of Jesus, stopping a while in their life journey to pray and reflect is not an option but an essential choice to continue His path.

From 10 to 15 October, Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, was held, the first assembly of SVD laity of the Afram zone (Africa-Madagascar). The meeting was attended by representatives of lay groups from Angola, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Togo and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Those from Zambia and Botswana participated online.

Lay leaders from 10 SVD Parishes across the Northeast States of India – Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, and Arunachal Pradesh attended the SVD Lay Partners Animation Seminar at the SVD House, Guwahati, Assam on 24th and 25th March 2022. Around 40 lay leaders along with their Parish Priests participated in this two-day seminar organized by ING. Regional Superior, Fr. Maxim Rodrigues, and Mission Secretary, Fr. Clement Quadras were actively involved in the seminar along with other SVD fathers. I am deeply grateful to them for inviting me to this seminar and allowing me to share my experience as SVD lay partner.

The First Delegates Conference of the Friends of SVD was held at Christ the King Parish in Accra on May 25, 2019 under the theme, “Our Vocation as SVD Lay Partners". The Parish Priest of Christ the King, Rev. Fr. Andrew Campbell, SVD in his welcome address stressed on the indispensable role of the laity in the evangelization mission of the Church.

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