Join he Prayer Bridge on World Day of the Poor: Do not miss this opportunity


On the occasion of the World Day of the Poor on Sunday , 18 Noivember 2018, the SVD lay parteners  invite you to join the Prayer Bridge. This year the motto of World Day of the Poor is „This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him “.

The Prayer Bridge connects people in prayer around the world. Everybody can look up where the others pray. On our website you will find a map with flags on all places where „pillars“ are. At the beginning of November, you will find an impulse and prayers on the website, too. If you want to join the Prayer Bridge use the registration formulary on our website. Deadline is 17 November, 6 pm (your local time).

Looking back to 2017

Last year people living in more than 100 different places all over the world joined the Prayer Bridge - and they did it very differently. Here are some examples:

Ukraine - Caritas Ukraine celebrated Holy Mass not even for but with the poor in Kiew. The diocese of Charkiw facing war since years prayed in all parishes. Bishop Stanislav said later: „It was an impressive event and a strong connection between all our churches and parishes. It was very beautiful!“

Irland – Traditionally the Holy Mass send on TV that sunday is in memory of last years traffic victims. Nevertheless the Irish did not forget the poor and held a special prayer after the prayer of the faithful.

India – The youngest parish was the Divine Word parish in Seppa. It was erected only a few months before World Day of the Poor but people decided to join even before the parish’s erection.

Germany – In Garrel people met for prayer at the village’s pond in the evening. They enlightened the darknes with candles floating on the pond.

Indonesia – Prayer can overcome prison walls and lets people become a part of a world wide community although they are locked up.

Mexico – In Mexico City a family joined the Prayer Bridge who was and still is helping the victims of the earthquake in September 2017. They live „ora et labora“.

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