Myanmar: Appeal from the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Coordinators of the SVD ASPAC Zone

Justice & Peace

We, the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Coordinators of the SVD ASPAC Zone met in South Asia from September 3 – 9, 2017. We shared our activities, concerns, challenges and hopes that we experienced in the past 4 years. Our commitments vary, such as migrants and refugees, human trafficking, indigenous, environment, disaster relief, poverty, HIV/AIDS, land grabbing and other issues.

We want to express our solidarity with those people who are suffering from social and political injustice, natural calamity, poverty and marginalization, particularly the Rohingya refugees who at this moment of time are fleeing from their land, and pray for them.

May God always guide us and accompany us to make us a tool of his mission to witness His love, peace and justice.